Question #5475962

Can you sell "weed" in the mail?

Can a person sell "weed" in the mail. I don't mean marijuana. I mean bags of garden weeds plucked from the lawn or random plants. Put them in bags and sell them online. The street name of marijuana is "weed." Because it's illegal for people to buy marijuana, they can't take legal action against me for not selling marijuana. Because I'm not selling marijuana the police or the FDA can't charge me with a crime even if they investigated me, because I never said I was selling marijuana, I said I was selling weed which I was. Because weed doesn't only mean marijuana, and I was selling weed (or weeds) then it isn't fraud (and even if it was misinterpreted, there is no fallback for them). So can a person sell weed in the mail? If the police ordered some weed hoping to make a bust but it wasn't marijuana, it was weeds, does that mean I would also keep the money they used to buy the weeds? This is borderline unethical, but it doesn't appear to be illegal or punishable in the context of the law.

2013-04-20 08:12:34

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